Hello everyone!
How have you been? In exciting Loki news, they just named a dinosaur after the cheeky trickster god!
As for me, I’ve been off teaching creative writing with the wonderful Joanne Harris in the Scottish Highlands at Moniack Mhor. Look at that GREEN, and those coos.
I can’t recommend it highly enough. It was a week of wonderful writers and beautiful places. Check it out here!
I’ve also sent Book 4 to print. Not long now! Sept 12th!
It’s a summer of bookish travel for me. I’m off to Cornwall now for St Austell literary festival, for their schools programme. Loki is packing swimmers, as am I.
Then in August it’s WORLDCON in Glasgow! My first! Very excited! Hope to see some of you there!
On Sunday 18th August I’ll be at Edinburgh International Book Festival, causing chaos with Ramzee (if you’ve not read The Cheat Book yet, get on it, it’s hilarious)
For younger readers, I’ll be there on the 19th too, reading my picture book about a bear called Bill Shakesbear - A Midsummer Night’s Drama.
In September, it will be TOUR TIME! More on public events and signings soon! And some exciting PREORDER news…