Hello everyone!
I’ve been deep in the drawing cave (book 4 is half drawn and I am having FUN with it) but now emerging to start dashing around the country for World Book Day. I know Loki will…
(Thanks to Ben Willbond for, as ever, embodying Loki perfectly in the trailer)
Need a costume for a child for World Book Day? Here are some easy tips for being Loki. But you could also just dress as an animal and be Loki
in disguise…
Here’s the books before they were unleashed upon the world (I got to visit the warehouse with a few other WBD authors). If they ever do one of those “guess the number of jellybeans” competitions for books I’ll have a better chance at guessing what 60 books looks like (cos I think thats what’s in each parcel!).
Today I’m off to Bristol, then it’s Runcorn, Wirral and Stockton. My folks are from Liverpool so hoping to pop in on some cousins while I’m there.
Closer to home, I got to graffiti my publisher’s office with some World Book Day themed doodles (one of the stories in Tales of a Bad God is about Thor nearly marrying a giant and Loki transforming into a beautiful bridesmaid)…
Thanks to Team Walker who helped me with some of the colouring in too. You can’t tell from the pic but that window is MASSIVE.
Tomorrow I’ll be doing an event with kids in Bristol. I wonder what we’ll draw? Here’s one from a recent event…
Speaking of fight scenes, I had a bit of a set-to with a viking at Jorvik Viking Festival recently… beware, if you go north, those Norsemen are fierce…
OK, some of them were fierce. These two were very docile.
Right, better go and catch my train! But one more thing - if someone you know has a birthday coming up there’s a lovely Loki box set on sale now! Books one to three in a fancy slipcase! Here!
See you all soon! And have a great World Book Day!
So brilliant to see that full-colour window! I can't get over it (or Sleipnir) and SO glad MostPrettiestBridesmaid!Loki made it on! 💓 I just love her SO MUCH 💞